
Fetal Cardiology


What is Fetal Cardiology?

It is already difficult for the parents of a newborn to find out that their child has congenital heart disease. This is when a parent must seek guidance from fetal cardiology – the branch of medical science that offers treatments, care, and necessary medical assistance with unborn or newly born infants with heart disease.

Fetal cardiologists, or otherwise known as pediatric cardiologists, are doctors that specialize in treating and diagnosing heart conditions in unborn children. They can also care for the child after it has been delivered by the mother.

What conditions does Fetal Cardiology treat?

Fetal cardiology is associated with the mitigation of symptoms and treatment of the following types of heart issues a newly born or an unborn child may suffer from –

  • Fetal cardiologists offer their assistance when the child in its early development stages in its mother’s womb shows signs of heart issues or abnormalities.
  • In case the child in its fetal stage has an irregular, abnormally fast, (or slow) heartbeats (a condition known as fetal arrhythmia) then it is time for the parents to consult with a fetal cardiologist.
  • In case the expecting mother has twins in her womb and both the developing fetuses are diagnosed with twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome, then a fetal cardiologist can help in this matter.
  • In case the newly born child shows signs of genetic syndromes like Down Syndrome, then it is best for the parents to consult with a fetal cardiologist in a bid to keep the baby safe from further complications.
  • In case the mother or the father has medical conditions such as diabetes, then it is best to consult with a fetal cardiologist in a bid to ensure that the fetus has a healthy heart.
  • In case the fetus during ultrasonography shows that it has congenital diaphragmatic hernia or gastroschisis, then it is time for the parent to get in touch with a fetal cardiologist.
  • A fetal cardiologist can also help unborn and newborn babies with other heart diseases such as sacrococcygeal teratoma and CPAM (congenital pulmonary airway malformation).

The team at Pediatric Cardiology Specialists is here to provide you with the utmost care for your unborn and/or newborn child. If you would like to schedule a consultation, please give us a call, or request an appointment online today!


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