


What is an Echocardiography?

Echocardiography is the process in which ultrasound waves are used for creating the moving images of the human heart to access the condition of the heart. It is also known as an Echo, and is a painless non-invasive procedure.

It is usually done to access the working of the heart on how well it is pumping blood, how are the valves of the heart functioning or to find out if there are any blood clots in the heart. It is also carried out to find if any part of the heart muscle is damaged or weak at any point. This process is usually carried out if a person suffers from a heart attack or stroke.

Types of Echocardiography

Here are the various types of Echocardiography –

  • Transthoracic echocardiography – is a non-invasive process of echocardiography where the transducer is attached to the chest of the patient in a bid to get a picture of the individual’s heart.
  • Transesophageal echocardiography – the transducer is attached to a tube emanating out from the echocardiography equipment. This tube is then guided down the esophagus of the patient so that it can take clear pictures of the patient’s heart.
  • Stress echocardiography – is done to take a closer look at the heart when it is working hard under stressful conditions. Artificial stressful conditions are created by the doctor for the patient by subjecting the same to walk/run on a treadmill or by making the patient take a certain medication.
  • Fetal echocardiography – this is the type of echocardiography where the doctor wants to take a look at the heart of a fetus. The transducer is simply moved around the expecting mother’s belly.

What is an Echocardiography used for?

The human heart is a complex and fast-moving organ. This is the reason why if a patient has been diagnosed with a certain type of cardiovascular disease or other forms of heart conditions, a doctor needs to take a closer look without using invasive diagnostic techniques. Most of the time, an echocardiography is the solution.

On that note, there are several types of heart disease that can be diagnosed best by doctors using this method and they are as follows –

  • Abnormal heart valves
  • Abnormal heart rhythms
  • Heart murmurs
  • Congenital heart disease
  • Pericarditis
  • Pericardial effusion
  • Infectious endocarditis
  • Pulmonary hypertension

When may my child need an Echocardiography? (Here you can see the symptoms)

After a routine examination of a child, if the pediatric cardiologist finds any one of the following issues with the test results or generic symptoms of the child, then an echocardiography session may be needed–

  • In case the child has cyanosis – a direct result of a condition known as a heart murmur.
  • In case the child has a family tree where people, both deceased or alive, have had a history of congenital heart problems.
  • In case the child recently recovered from an infectious heart disease or is showing signs of one, an echocardiography will reveal the fact whether or not the child’s heart has suffered or can suffer irreversible damages.
  • In case the child has or shows signs of high blood pressure/arrhythmia.

If you would like to schedule a consultation with one of our highly qualified team at Pediatric Cardiology Specialists, please give us a call, or request an appointment online today!


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