An angioplasty is a medical procedure carried out on a patient who has a clogged artery. It is a minimally invasive medical procedure that helps in the restoration of blood flow through an artery that was previously blocked.
It is used as a minimally invasive treatment for cardiovascular disease like a blocked artery and related heart conditions.
The process of angioplasty is similar to cardiac catheterization where a thin tube will be inserted through the arm, neck or groin of the patient and into the blood vessel of the patient and then to the heart.
In the case of an angioplasty, the tube inserted will have a balloon at the end that will be inflated when the tube reaches the blocked artery. As soon as the balloon at the end of the tube inserted is inflated, the circumference of the blocked artery is increased slightly which loosens the plaque blocking the artery. The result is that the blockage on the artery will be cleared and normal blood flow will be restored.
In case, post-examination, the pediatric cardiologist finds out that the child has congenital heart disease that is leading to the narrowing of his or her arteries, then angioplasty in children could be the only non-invasive treatment that can save the life of the child.
The team at Pediatric Cardiology Specialists is here to provide you with the utmost care for your child. If you would like to schedule a consultation, please give us a call, or request an appointment online today!